Sunday, January 30, 2011

Conversation with Siddharth!!

I have promised for the more post on USA, there is something interesting happened today which makes me think back again in life.. while baking cookies with Siddharth on sunday evening he asks me a question...

सिद्धार्थ: आप से एक बात पूछनी है (i want to ask you something)

मैं: बोलो सिद्धार्थ (yes siddharth go ahead)

सिद्धार्थ: हम जीते किस लिए है ( why do we live)

मैं:(in deep thinking mode) : हम जीते है हम खुश रहें ( we live for happiness)

सिद्धार्थ: मस्ती करें (for fun)

मैं: हम ज़िंदगी को अछी तरह से जिए, खुश रहे, और दूसरो को हर्ट (hurt)ना करे ( yes for fun, for masti and not to hurt others)

सिद्धार्थ: लेकिन हम तो हर्ट करते है (but we do hurt)

मैं: कैसे ( how come)

सिद्धार्थ: आप मुझे डन्ट लगते हो. ( you scold me)
and i was silent for sometime and explaining him that a mother scolds a child then there is a love, in that also.. and after few minutes he was busy in making his story with the spoons.. and i was still in his question and answers..
I just looked back and thought my seven year old son has become very big in his thoughts... and i am living a new life through him... 
Siddharth running in joy at the front of hotel venetian in Las Vegas...